Taste Furano

Foods to Eat

Furano Melon


富良野の名産メロン。強い甘みと芳醇な香りが特徴。このホテル"petit hotel #MELON"の名前の由来にもなっています。採れたての絶品メロンを産地ならではの贅沢な方法で味わってみてはいかが?

Furano Melon is renowned for its strong sweetness and rich aroma, besides our hotel's name:"petit hotel #MELON" comes from this. Here in Furano, you have various unique ways to taste this melon. 

とみたメロンハウスのHPはコチラ >>

Visit the Website of "TOMITA Melon House" >>

ポプラファームのHPはコチラ >>

Visit the Website of "Popura Farm" >>

サンタのひげ​ (ポプラハウス)


Furano Omelette Curry



Furano Omelette Curry is a local dish in Furano. Only 9 qualified restaurants in Furano can provide this plate.The nearest is only 1 minute walk from the hotel. Don't miss this chance to try this dish !

富良野オムカレー公式HPはコチラ >>

Visit the Website of Furano Omelette Curry >>


富良野デリスのHPはコチラ >>

Visit the Website of "Furano Delice" >>

​Sweets in Furano





There is one thing you cannot miss when you visit Furano; Sweets. 5 minutes walk from our Hotel brings you to "Furano Delice", whose pudding is absolutely fabulous. Nice cakes and Cheese using ingredients from Furano are also worse to eat. 

富良野マルシェのHPはコチラ >>

Visit the Website of "Furano Marche" >>